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Democrat Houlahan denounces Trump's decision to slash military funding to build border wall

Houlahan, a first-term Air Force veteran who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, said she believes Trump’s moves jeopardizes the safety of U.S. troops.

Originally published in Montgomery Media

Written by Fran Maye

WEST CHESTER — U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-6th Dist.) on Wednesday denounced President Donald Trump’s decision to slash military funding to build a border wall at Mexico.

“Today’s Presidential scoreboard: 0-3,” said Houlahan. “Once again, the Administration demonstrated their disdain for the People, the Congress, and the Constitution. In the latest assault, this Administration unilaterally determined that taxes previously, properly, and Constitutionally appropriated by Congress for more than 100 military construction projects across this country and around the world will be redirected to pay for a wall at our southern border, with a cruel emphasis on defunding projects in American territories, including Puerto Rico.”

Pentagon officials announced Wednesday that funding will be cut from military projects like schools, target ranges and maintenance facilities to pay for the construction of 175 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, diverting a total $3.6 billion to Trump‘s long-promised barrier.


Trump’s move may come at the expense of projects that the Pentagon acknowledged may be difficult to fund. Capitol Hill Democrats, outraged over Trump’s use of an emergency order for the wall, promised they won’t approve money to revive them.

Houlahan, a first-term Air Force veteran who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, said she believes Trump’s moves jeopardizes the safety of U.S. troops.

“We did not choose that these funds be redirected in this subversive manner,” she said. “Budgets are hard; priorities are difficult to make. But that’s the job of the Congress. There are many projects and programs we need to fund and build in defense and support of this nation. They all need to go through the proper Congressional process to be sorted and weighed against one another.”

Projects in 23 states, 19 countries and three U.S. territories would be stalled or killed by the plan, though just $1.1 billion in cuts would strike the continental U.S., according to a list released Wednesday by the Pentagon. Almost $700 million would come from projects in U.S. territories, with another $1.8 billion coming from projects on overseas bases.

“Today, the people are not being heard,” Houlahan said. “The safety and security of our troops, their families, and our bases could be at risk and the Constitution is being deliberately disregarded."