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Houlahan And Wilson Introduce United States-Israel Military Capability Act Of 2020

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representatives Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) and Joe Wilson (R-SC) introduced the bipartisan United States-Israel Military Capability Act of 2020 which would deepen cooperation on defense technology development between Washington and Jerusalem. This bill requires the Department of Defense to establish a working group with Israeli counterparts to collaborate on the research and development of technology used for national security. Senators Gary Peters (D-MI) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) introduced the companion bill in the Senate.

“Israel is a key ally and is leading the globe in technological development,” Houlahan said. “Together, our countries can accelerate defense innovation and ensure democracies around the world are safe from the threats of tomorrow. This bipartisan legislation is an important step towards further cooperation and will only strengthen this important bilateral relationship.”

“Our security relationship with the Jewish State is not only focused on the threats of today, but also on those that may emerge tomorrow,” Wilson said. “This bill will deepen our already strong defense ties with Israel by ensuring that we cooperate at the highest levels to develop cutting-edge technologies and capabilities that will enhance our mutual defense in years to come. Clearly the current attacks and threats to Israel are a testing ground of a shared enemy and our military capabilities can receive real-world, immediate responses to better defend America. Working together, we can protect American and Israeli families from the threats of tomorrow.”

Additional information on the United States-Israel Military Capability Act of 2020:

·Directs the Secretary of Defense to establish an operations technology working group including representatives from the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the intelligence community and their appropriate counterparts in the Israeli government.

·The working group will evaluate shared security concerns and facilitate combined plans to research, develop, procure, and field military capabilities to address these threats.

·The working group may also solicit recommendations from American and/or Israeli defense manufacturers on how to integrate needed technology from the private sector.