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Houlahan And Joyce Introduce Small Business Compete Act

A bipartisan bill aimed at leveling the playing field for small businesses competing for highly coveted federal contracts

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representatives Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) and John Joyce (R-PA) introduced the Small Business Compete Act. This bipartisan bill aims to help certain small businesses compete for lucrative federal contracts by easing Category Management requirements implemented by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, which could give an unfair advantage to larger contractors over small companies. In particular, this legislation would aim to support small businesses in historically underutilized “HUBZones” as well as service-connected disabled Veteran-, women- and minority-owned small businesses. Currently, only a quarter of federal contracts are awarded to small businesses, despite the fact that over 99% of businesses in the United States are classified as small businesses.

“We need an economy that works for everyone, and that means taking bipartisan strides towards a more level playing field for our small businesses,” said Houlahan. “I’m proud to be working with fellow Pennsylvanian Representative Joyce to introduce our Small Business Compete Act. For too long, large companies have had a monopoly over lucrative federal contracts. Our bill will help increase the number of federal contracts awarded to small businesses by offering support and streamlining the process. Our country’s economy is only as strong as our small businesses. During this pandemic, we in Congress must be doing everything we can to rebuild and fortify our small business community.”

“Small businesses are not only the backbone of the American economy, they are the heart of our communities. Our small businesses have the potential to serve and provide unique advantages to the federal government, and they should get a fair shot at winning federal contracts,” said Rep. Joyce. “This legislation keeps important cost saving measures in place while opening new doors for America’s workers and entrepreneurs. I am proud to work on a bipartisan basis to support our small businesses and serve as a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars.”

Full text of the Small Business Compete Act can be found here.