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Houlahan To Launch Antiracism Policy Series With Telephone Town Hall Focused On Police Reform Featuring Congresswoman Karen Bass

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) is announcing the launch of her Antiracism Policy Series, a Town Hall series focused on dismantling systemic racism through legislation and policy. This series kicks off on Monday, July 6th at 3pm with a Police Reform and Accountability Telephone Town Hall featuring Congresswoman Karen Bass, Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus and principal author of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020.

“We must all do our part to combat the systemic racism that has plagued our country since its founding,” said Houlahan. “I’m honored to be joined by Congresswoman Karen Bass, Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus for a discussion about the most recent bipartisan legislation addressing police reform and the work ahead to building a justice system that is equitable and fair for every American.”

“We are on the cusp of a moral moment in this country,” said Congresswoman Bass. “I’m excited to join Congresswoman Houlahan for this important conversation about race and our fight against police brutality in this country.”