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Houlahan Delivers on Promise to Help Save USPS

WASHINGTON – Today, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) passed the Delivering for America Act through the U.S. House of Representatives. The legislation prohibits the Postal Service from implementing any changes to operations or level of service it had in place on January 1, 2020 and provides $25 billion in critical funding to support the Postal Service - the same level of funding recommended by the USPS Board of Governors. Houlahan cosponsored this legislation after hearing from hundreds of constituents who have been experiencing mail delays and are concerned about the impact of USPS cuts on small businesses’ operations, the ability for seniors and Veterans to get medications safely, and mail-in voting for the November election.

“The U.S. Postal Service is so essential to our way of life that our Founders wrote it into the Constitution,” said Houlahan. “Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, we rely on USPS for small business commerce, for reliable and safe access to medications, for staying connected to loved ones when we can’t be together in person, and for voting safely from home this November. I’m grateful for the advocacy of members of our community that have called and written to me to share their stories and concerns, and I call on the Senate to reconvene to respond to these concerns and vote on the Delivering for America Act.”

The Delivering for American Act will:

Prohibit the Postal Service from implementing or approving any changes to the operations or service levels in effect on January 1, 2020, that would impede prompt, reliable, and efficient service. The prohibitions would remain in effect for the duration of the coronavirus public health emergency or January 1, 2021, whichever is later.  Specifically, the bill would prohibit:

• Any change that would generally affect service on a nationwide or substantially nationwide basis;
• Any revision of existing service standards;
• Closing, consolidating, or reducing the hours of any post office or postal facility;
• Any prohibition on paying overtime to Postal Service officers or employees;
• Any change that would prevent the Postal Service from meeting its service standards or cause a decline in measurements of performance relative to those standards; and
• Any change that would have the effect of delaying mail or increasing the volume of undelivered mail.


Full text of H.R. 8015, the Delivering for America Act, can be found here