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Houlahan: 'Real signs of progress' in Coatesville

Originally Published in the Daily Local

COATESVILLE — This week, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) spent time in Coatesville, touring various locales and engaging with the community on a number of crucial issues affecting Pennsylvania’s Sixth District: care for our seniors, collaboration with our local police, support for small businesses and the economic successes made possible by the American Rescue Plan.

“It’s good to be in Coatesville again,” said Houlahan. “So many incredible things are happening; we are seeing real signs of progress in a post-COVID Coatesville. I was able to hear directly from small businesses, entrepreneurs, our police officers and our senior citizens throughout the day about progress that has been made and what more is needed to ensure we have a fully recovered economy and a vibrant community.”

“To see Representative Houlahan take time out of her schedule to visit Coatesville speaks volumes of her commitment to the city’s rebuilding efforts,” said James Logan, Coatesville City Manager. “We have been working hard to create a new community focused on re-imagining a city filled with new business opportunities, smart economic development, in addition to a healthy workforce and housing market. She seems to get what we are doing and wants to help. The collective efforts of our City Council, stakeholders and residents will bring us closer to our city-wide revitalization objectives and I hope Representative Houlahan will continue to lend her support to see it happen.”

At the Coatesville Police Department, Rep. Houlahan met with Chief Jack Laufer to discuss community safety, diversity and equity in the police force, and, in light of the recent holiday weekend, fireworks safety.

“I value the relationship with the Coatesville Police Department, and I appreciate the work they do on behalf of our community,” said Houlahan. “Chief Laufer continues to make Coatesville proud, and I am committed to working alongside him to support community safety and an equitable police force. That’s why I helped secure funding for local police departments in our American Rescue Plan, so that they too could begin the work of rebuilding after this devastating pandemic.”

At the Coatesville Area Senior Center, Rep. Houlahan greeted seniors at the drive through and assisted delivering meals to community members. She then toured the center and heard about the efforts the center made during the pandemic to continue serving Coatesville area senior citizens.