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Houlahan Wins Award in Recognition of Service to Pennsylvania Farmers

On heels of being recognized as a “Friend of the Farm Bureau,” Houlahan continues to meet with local farmers and tout legislative wins.

  • Houlahan Tours Dairy Farm

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) issued the following statement following the receipt of her American Farm Bureau Federation’s “Friend of the Farm Bureau” award:  


“I am honored to receive this award for a second time,” said Houlahan. “Every time we gather around the kitchen table, we should be reminded of the labor that goes into producing the food that keeps our families fed and healthy. But our community’s farmers have had to overcome numerous obstacles to continue providing the food that Pennsylvanians count on. During tough times, I’ve always worked hard to have their backs. It’s definitely gratifying to receive recognition for my and my team’s efforts on behalf of our farmers.” 


The recognition letter reads in part: The American Farm Bureau Federation gives the Friend of Farm Bureau award to members of Congress who have supported Farm Bureau’s position on policy issues, as demonstrated by their voting records, and who were nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus and approved by the AFBF Board of Directors. The voting records are based on issues selected by the AFBF Board. 


Pennsylvania Farm Bureau President Rick Ebert shared this in response: “On behalf of Pennsylvania Farm Bureau, the state’s largest general farm organization, we’d like to thank U.S. Representative Chrissy Houlahan for supporting legislation that benefits agriculture. The support from our Friend of Farm Bureau recipients helps preserve the future of family farms in Pennsylvania, maintain our ability to produce safe and affordable food for consumers, and provide resources to assist farmers in implementing environmentally friendly practices on the farm. Farm families have been greatly challenged in recent years, and continued support for agriculture is vital to ensure the future success of our industry.”

Houlahan has since continued to work with local farmers on the legislative issues confronting them, prioritizing meetings with farmers during her limited time in the district. Recently, she returned to a pair of Southern Chester County farms to hear firsthand how recent legislation will help farmers as they increase production, while cutting greenhouse gas emissions, and saving money. 


Anthony Vietri, of Va La Vineyards in Avondale: “The bills Rep. Houlahan supports help my family finance the new equipment we need to increase our yield while tackling our climate footprint. We’re glad that Rep. Houlahan continues to focus on the agricultural community. I was glad to update her on the progress we’re making to mitigate the damage from spotted lanternflies on our farm as well. She’s worked to fund the research that farmers like me depend on to combat these invasive pests.”  


Walt Moore, of Walmoore Holsteins Dairy Farm in Cochranville: “Rep. Houlahan’s work is really exciting for dairy farmers especially. She has worked to secure funds for the programs that we know already work, supporting technical assistance and conservation efforts. For us, this means we can put resources towards new technology that will help us save money in the long run. This investment wouldn’t be possible without Rep. Houlahan, I appreciate her stopping by speak with us.” 


Read the full letter of Houlahan’s Farm Bureau award here


Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator, and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Small Business Committee. She is the recipient of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award which “recognizes members who demonstrate the bipartisan leadership and constructive governing necessary to move our country forward” and the Congressional Management Foundation’s 2022 Democracy Award for best Constituent Services in Congress