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Houlahan Statement on the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) issued the following statement regarding the U.S. House of Representatives’ vote on H.R. 734, Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023: 

“Today I was obligated to vote on another morally and intellectually bankrupt piece of legislation. This time it is an attack on some of the most vulnerable people in our society — our transgender community. This community is an important part of our national fabric. We are now voting to legislate on who can play what sport in school. I hope we can leave these infrequent conversations to students, parents, doctors, and schools who can make decisions based on kindness, inclusivity, and understanding, not fear and vitriol.

I call again on my Republican colleagues, who are now in the majority, to buckle down and get serious about getting to work for the American people rather than continue to hold these kinds of cynical votes. The 118th Congress thus far has been dedicated to voting on headline-grabbing and divisive legislation. The American people want us here in Washington working together on the most pressing challenges of our nation — issues like addressing our national security, strengthening our economy, the safety of our planet and communities, bettering the health and lives of our citizens. I look forward to working on these issues in the now 19 months that remain in this important Congress. There’s work to be done.”

Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator, and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. She is the recipient of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award which “recognizes members who demonstrate the bipartisan leadership and constructive governing necessary to move our country forward” and the Congressional Management Foundation’s 2022 Democracy Award for best Constituent Services in Congress.  
