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Houlahan Issues Statement on REINS Act

  • REINS Act Floor Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) issued the following statement following House consideration of the REINS Act:


“Today, I voted against the REINS Act. This legislation modifies the federal rule-making process by preventing rules that have an annual economic impact greater than $100 million from being implemented unless Congress enacts additional legislation approving them. In other words, Congress could bring legislation back to the House Floor for a second vote once federal agencies determine its economic impact.


While I support the responsible oversight of federal funds, the $100 million threshold could unnecessarily delay help for our veterans, small businesses, and more by requiring upwards of 1,300 additional votes each year. For reference, our legislative body presently takes roughly 600 votes a year. To improve the underlying bill, I proposed a commonsense amendment that would increase the threshold to $1 billion.


My amendment is a reasonable compromise. It gives our industry experts the freedom to make the best decisions for our country while still providing Congress oversight on decisions that have a significant impact on the economy.


Despite substantial support, my amendment did not pass. As I continue considering bills before the House, I will keep pushing for practical policies that reflect my purple community’s desire for a government that works by and for the American people. As that was not the case today, I could not vote in favor of it.”


Watch the video of Rep. Houlahan’s remarks on her amendment here.


Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator, and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. She is the recipient of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award which “recognizes members who demonstrate the bipartisan leadership and constructive governing necessary to move our country forward” and the Congressional Management Foundation’s 2022 Democracy Award for best Constituent Services in Congress.

