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Houlahan 'Appalled' Trump Considering Pardons for Accused War Criminals Read Newsmax: Houlahan 'Appalled' Trump Considering Pardons for Accused War Criminals

Originally published in Newsmax

Written by Theodore Bunker

Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa., said in an interview with MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt on Sunday night that: “I'm appalled by the hearing that President Trump will be providing a pardon for these folks," referring to reports that the president will consider pardons for accused war criminals.

Houlahan, a former officer in the U.S. Air Force, recalled her own military service and that of her father, saying. “I served and my father served as well, and he went to the POW survivor camp, and was water-boarded. He raised me teaching me how important it was to never violate international law. And as Americans, we're responsible for providing an example on how to conduct war."

Trump said last Friday that “some of these soldiers,” who have been charged with war crimes, “are people that have fought hard, long. You know, we teach them how to be great fighters, and then when they fight sometime, they really get treated very unfairly.”

The president did not specify which cases the White House will review, but he did say he may wait until after their trials have concluded.