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Representative Houlahan Passes USMCA

WASHINGTON – Today, Representative Chrissy Houlahan voted to pass the bipartisan United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). This historic trade deal passed the House 385-41.

“I am proud to have reached a compromise on this crucial trade deal that will help our community’s farmers and manufactures,” said Houlahan. “This USMCA is a product of bipartisan negotiation and working with the Administration to structure a deal that benefits our workers, protects our planet, and strengthens our economy.”

“This holiday season will be a bit brighter for America’s dairy farmers as today’s vote brings us one step closer to finalizing USMCA and securing a more certain future for the dairy industry,” said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF. “Pennsylvania’s dairy industry appreciates the work that Representative Houlahan has invested to ensure USMCA will provide expanded market opportunities and a more level playing field for dairy exports. Now we are counting on the Senate to act quickly and finalize USMCA in order to deliver its improvements to North American trade.”

“The PA Chamber supports international trade, open investment, regulatory cooperation and fair trade agreements that enhance the competitiveness of Pennsylvania companies by removing barriers against U.S. exports and providing greater access to imports,” said Alex Halper, Director, Government Affairs at PA Chamber of Business and Industry. “We thank Rep. Houlahan for her work on passing the USMCA, which will help advance these important priorities and facilitate continued strong trade relations between the U.S. and our neighbors to the north and south. Forty-six out of 50 states in the country count Canada or Mexico as their first or second largest foreign purchasers.  For Pennsylvania, Canada is our largest foreign market, accounting for 26 percent of the Commonwealth’s total goods exports worth $10.8 billion in 2018.  Mexico ranked second at $4.2 billion.  According to the Business Roundtable, 477,900 Pennsylvania jobs are supported by trade with Canada and Mexico.”

“Members of United Steelworkers thank Rep. Houlahan for her work on passing the USMCA,” said Thomas M. Conway, United Steelworkers International President. “The revised deal is better than the original USMCA and certainly better than NAFTA.  It should be adopted.  The leaders of all three countries must diligently enforce the provisions, however, and we intend to hold them accountable to ensure that workers, the environment, and consumers are protected.” 

The USMCA will:

  • Increase Canadian market access for our dairy farmers and producers
  • Protect Pennsylvanian ingenuity through increased intellectual property protections
  • Support robust digital trade and fortify U.S. leadership on protecting a free and open internet


Through our negotiations, the Democrats have secured key provisions, including:

  • Increased labor protections for workers in Mexico
  • $600 million for environmental clean-up and protection, especially along the U.S.-Mexico border
  • Stronger enforcement mechanisms so that each country can effectively hold the others accountable


Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator, and a nonprofit leader. She’s in her first term representing Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House Small Business Committee.

