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Houlahan Slams PA Audit as Nothing More Than an Effort to Impress Trump

On CNN’s ‘State of the Union’, Rep. Houlahan describes how these audits have the capacity to destroy an already fragile democracy

  • Chrissy on SOTU

Rep. Houlahan speaks to Jake Tapper on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ about the latest in a string of GOP-led election audits across the country.

 – This weekend, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) explained to Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union how destructive and damaging this audit is to both the Commonwealth and the democracy.

“People really need to believe in the sanctity of their vote,” said Houlahan. “People need to believe that their vote will count. Because it does. And this kind of attempt by any party to curry political influence is really destructive not just to Pennsylvanians but to the nation at large.”

In a statement after the interview, Houlahan said the following:

“The genesis of this so-called audit lies with a man who was present at the January 6th insurrection,” said Houlahan. “In an effort to gain the support of the former President, many Republicans in our Commonwealth and across the country are launching fishing expeditions for evidence of 2020 voter fraud that, according to every elections expert and American court – Democrat and Republican – simply does not exist. The fact is that our voting systems in Pennsylvania worked. To attack the results is to attack the civil servants in all 67 counties of our Commonwealth, to undermine their non-partisan work and to advance a political lie. This is not just about politics. This is about the very heart and soul of the democracy we’re all privileged to live in – we the people have a right to vote.

“In the Air Force, I had to learn how our enemies thought, and what I learned is that bad actors, both foreign and domestic, look for any crack in a country’s foundation. The former President is chipping away at our democracy one audit at a time. Not only is the security of our elections at risk but so too is the country itself – when leaders in our own nation engender feelings of distrust and disillusion, our enemies won’t hesitate to seize on the opportunity.

“I implore my colleagues, elected leaders who swore an oath to the Constitution, to stop the lies, defend the truth and stand up for the country so many have died defending. The American people, our Constitution and our democracy deserve better than this.”

You can watch Rep. Houlahan’s full interview on CNN’s State of the Union here.


Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Small Business Committee.

Rep. Houlahan speaks to Jake Tapper on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ about the latest in a string of GOP-led election audits across the country.


PHILADELPHIA – This weekend, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) explained to Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union how destructive and damaging this audit is to both the Commonwealth and the democracy.


“People really need to believe in the sanctity of their vote,” said Houlahan. “People need to believe that their vote will count. Because it does. And this kind of attempt by any party to curry political influence is really destructive not just to Pennsylvanians but to the nation at large.”


In a statement after the interview, Houlahan said the following:


“The genesis of this so-called audit lies with a man who was present at the January 6th insurrection,” said Houlahan. “In an effort to gain the support of the former President, many Republicans in our Commonwealth and across the country are launching fishing expeditions for evidence of 2020 voter fraud that, according to every elections expert and American court – Democrat and Republican – simply does not exist. The fact is that our voting systems in Pennsylvania worked. To attack the results is to attack the civil servants in all 67 counties of our Commonwealth, to undermine their non-partisan work and to advance a political lie. This is not just about politics. This is about the very heart and soul of the democracy we’re all privileged to live in – we the people have a right to vote.


“In the Air Force, I had to learn how our enemies thought, and what I learned is that bad actors, both foreign and domestic, look for any crack in a country’s foundation. The former President is chipping away at our democracy one audit at a time. Not only is the security of our elections at risk but so too is the country itself – when leaders in our own nation engender feelings of distrust and disillusion, our enemies won’t hesitate to seize on the opportunity.


“I implore my colleagues, elected leaders who swore an oath to the Constitution, to stop the lies, defend the truth and stand up for the country so many have died defending. The American people, our Constitution and our democracy deserve better than this.”


You can watch Rep. Houlahan’s full interview on CNN’s State of the Union here.





Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Small Business Committee.

Rep. Houlahan speaks to Jake Tapper on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ about the latest in a string of GOP-led election audits across the country.


PHILADELPHIA – This weekend, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) explained to Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union how destructive and damaging this audit is to both the Commonwealth and the democracy.


“People really need to believe in the sanctity of their vote,” said Houlahan. “People need to believe that their vote will count. Because it does. And this kind of attempt by any party to curry political influence is really destructive not just to Pennsylvanians but to the nation at large.”


In a statement after the interview, Houlahan said the following:


“The genesis of this so-called audit lies with a man who was present at the January 6th insurrection,” said Houlahan. “In an effort to gain the support of the former President, many Republicans in our Commonwealth and across the country are launching fishing expeditions for evidence of 2020 voter fraud that, according to every elections expert and American court – Democrat and Republican – simply does not exist. The fact is that our voting systems in Pennsylvania worked. To attack the results is to attack the civil servants in all 67 counties of our Commonwealth, to undermine their non-partisan work and to advance a political lie. This is not just about politics. This is about the very heart and soul of the democracy we’re all privileged to live in – we the people have a right to vote.


“In the Air Force, I had to learn how our enemies thought, and what I learned is that bad actors, both foreign and domestic, look for any crack in a country’s foundation. The former President is chipping away at our democracy one audit at a time. Not only is the security of our elections at risk but so too is the country itself – when leaders in our own nation engender feelings of distrust and disillusion, our enemies won’t hesitate to seize on the opportunity.


“I implore my colleagues, elected leaders who swore an oath to the Constitution, to stop the lies, defend the truth and stand up for the country so many have died defending. The American people, our Constitution and our democracy deserve better than this.”


You can watch Rep. Houlahan’s full interview on CNN’s State of the Union here.





Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Small Business Committee.

Rep. Houlahan speaks to Jake Tapper on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ about the latest in a string of GOP-led election audits across the country.


PHILADELPHIA – This weekend, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) explained to Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union how destructive and damaging this audit is to both the Commonwealth and the democracy.


“People really need to believe in the sanctity of their vote,” said Houlahan. “People need to believe that their vote will count. Because it does. And this kind of attempt by any party to curry political influence is really destructive not just to Pennsylvanians but to the nation at large.”


In a statement after the interview, Houlahan said the following:


“The genesis of this so-called audit lies with a man who was present at the January 6th insurrection,” said Houlahan. “In an effort to gain the support of the former President, many Republicans in our Commonwealth and across the country are launching fishing expeditions for evidence of 2020 voter fraud that, according to every elections expert and American court – Democrat and Republican – simply does not exist. The fact is that our voting systems in Pennsylvania worked. To attack the results is to attack the civil servants in all 67 counties of our Commonwealth, to undermine their non-partisan work and to advance a political lie. This is not just about politics. This is about the very heart and soul of the democracy we’re all privileged to live in – we the people have a right to vote.


“In the Air Force, I had to learn how our enemies thought, and what I learned is that bad actors, both foreign and domestic, look for any crack in a country’s foundation. The former President is chipping away at our democracy one audit at a time. Not only is the security of our elections at risk but so too is the country itself – when leaders in our own nation engender feelings of distrust and disillusion, our enemies won’t hesitate to seize on the opportunity.


“I implore my colleagues, elected leaders who swore an oath to the Constitution, to stop the lies, defend the truth and stand up for the country so many have died defending. The American people, our Constitution and our democracy deserve better than this.”


You can watch Rep. Houlahan’s full interview on CNN’s State of the Union here.





Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Small Business Committee.