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Houlahan Issues Statement on Juneteenth

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) issued the following statement in recognition of Juneteenth:

“The United States has established only 11 permanent federal holidays. Their establishment showcases their significance and importance. During these days, businesses and schools are closed, and time is spent with family and friends. They are days of reflection on our values, our history, and our future, and Juneteenth allows us to do just that. Though it was not nationally recognized, Juneteenth has been celebrated in the African American community for years, but today, tomorrow, and throughout the coming days, our country will celebrate together as one. But truthfully, it is simply not enough just to celebrate. We MUST take today to rededicate ourselves to action. We MUST take a step toward fulfilling America’s promise of equality for ALL individuals in every corner of this nation until it is seen in every street, neighborhood, and community.”

“That step forward is in ensuring that equity is at the heart of our fight against health disparities, inflation, and most importantly within our justice system. And though we have made extreme progress, we MUST continue working. Just this week, the House passed the Financial Services Racial Equity, Inclusion & Economic Just Act, including two of my amendments.  This bill works to address racial and ethnic disparities in employment, income, and credit. But most importantly this bill will aid in increasing minority home ownership and entrepreneurship, one of the biggest agents of generational wealth.”

“Lastly, I would like to end with this. Great countries do not disregard the painful times of the past. Great countries do not abandon their history.  They acknowledge their mistakes, and only then do they begin to heal and become stronger. I invite everyone to reflect on Juneteenth. To reflect on the potential our great country has to offer.  Let us all recommit to the vision of liberty and justice becoming the reality for all Americans in our community, our Commonwealth, and our country. May we stand together to ensure our values live on for generations to come.”