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Houlahan Statement on Votes to Overturn D.C. Council Laws

WASHINGTON, DC – Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) issued the following statement regarding the U.S. House of Representatives’ votes to overturn Washington D.C. Council Laws: 

“Today, I voted on two curious votes that my colleagues in the majority felt as though we should be spending our limited legislative time on. The votes were first on disapproving of a decision by the Washington D.C. Council regarding its local elections, and second on disapproving of the fact that Washington D.C. hasn’t updated its criminal code in some time.  I do not believe it is my place to vote to overturn, or disapprove, of these choices made by the people of D.C., nor do I think this is a sincere use of Congress’ focus and time. Our job is to pass laws that protect and comply with Americans’ constitutional and civil rights. 

I do not believe that noncitizens should have the ability to vote. Full stop. Additionally, I think regular, carefully considered, modification of criminal code is a good practice of modernization for any state, local government, or municipality. 

I believe that states and local municipalities have the right to self-determination and how to run their own governments.

Once again, these early weeks of the 118th have been dedicated to voting on headline grabbing divisive, meaningless, and unserious legislation. Again, the American people want us here in Washington working on the most pressing challenges of our nation - issues like addressing the debt, our economy’s recovery, the safety of our planet and communities, and bettering the lives of our citizens. 

I look forward to working on these real issues in the months that remain in this important Congress. There’s work to be done.”

Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator, and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. She is the recipient of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award which “recognizes members who demonstrate the bipartisan leadership and constructive governing necessary to move our country forward” and the Congressional Management Foundation’s 2022 Democracy Award for best Constituent Services in Congress.  
