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Republicans Block Houlahan’s Amendment that Keeps U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas Out of Chinese Markets

The bipartisan amendment would have kept liquefied natural gas (LNG) out of not only Chinese markets but also Russian, Iranian, and North Korean

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) voted against H.R. 7176, the Unlocking our Domestic LNG Potential Act of 2024. Houlahan’s no vote followed Republicans blocking her bipartisan amendment that would keep U.S. LNG exports away from adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

“When genuine attempts to make a bill more effective and bipartisan are shot down, it’s clear the purpose of said bill is to score political points, not improve the lives of Americans and our allies. That is exactly what happened with this so-called effort to unlock domestic LNG potential,” said Houlahan. “I was extremely disappointed to see the Republican-controlled Rules Committee vote against my straightforward, bipartisan amendment that keeps U.S. energy out of the hands of those who wish to harm us.”

Watch Rep. Scanlon (D-PA), a member of the Rules Committee, offer Houlahan’s amendment here. All Republicans voted against the amendment.

Houlahan continued: “It’s a shame this bill was not crafted in a more serious and bipartisan way because I, like many of my colleagues, do share genuine concerns about the decision to pause future U.S. LNG export projects. On behalf of my community, I am worried about the impact of a pause on our successful transition to a cleaner economy. I am worried about the impact of a pause on jobs in Pennsylvania. And I am worried about the impact of a pause on our ability to support our allies’ energy needs. We need, and I am focused on, a pragmatic way forward. This bill is not it, but I can assure our community that I will continue having conversations about our energy independence and transition to a clean economy as the co-chair of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus.”


H.R.7176 would transfer authority for approving Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) export and import facilities, including LNG terminals, from the Department of Energy (DOE) exclusively to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This shift removes DOE’s public interest considerations, including impacts on energy costs, national security, and climate change, from the approval process.

In changing the authority, the bill dismantles the Biden Administration's temporary pause on new LNG export and import project approvals and paves the way for project expansion without comprehensive public interest review. Additionally, concerns exist that the changes included in this bill could facilitate additional LNG exports to countries like China, raising energy and national security red flags and potentially exacerbating global emissions.

Houlahan is an Air Force veteran, an engineer, a serial entrepreneur, an educator, and a nonprofit leader. She represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which encompasses Chester County and southern Berks County. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. She is the recipient of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Abraham Lincoln Leadership for America Award which “recognizes members who demonstrate the bipartisan leadership and constructive governing necessary to move our country forward” and the Congressional Management Foundation’s 2022 Democracy Award for best Constituent Services in Congress.

